There’s a difference
Between being alone and being lonely
You can crave to be alone
Crave to be still
In the room
In the space
In the world
But being lonely hits you like a speck of dust
Falling on your arm
It sits and waits on the ledge
Its next attack
It goes unnoticed
In the room
In the space
In the world

Lonely is not a sweet craving
It follows you with a purpose
It lingers for a reason…
Unsure but you must justify everything
Every feeling must be justified
This feeling is only temporary, they say
It will pass

The desire to be alone is at your will
You become hidden
Being lonely is the invisible hand pushing you to the center
Yet no one sees you
Electric connection shared between arms
Yet no one feels you;
They will brush it off
Like dust; they will pass

A’Cora Hickson ’25 is a staff writer

Cece Amory ’24 is a staff artist