You’re nothing but a simple minded bot.
And before algorithmic gods give true accounts
Performing tasks without our feeble minds, so fraught

Click on all the hydrants, or sinners will be caught
And captcha will proudly announce
You’re nothing but a simple minded bot.

The world hangs between one and naught
For binary minds. This we must denounce
Carrying out tasks with feeble minds, so fraught

Then rush the Luddites, crying out what ought
To be, and in slurring mouths mispronounce.
The enemy is simple; the bot.

Does this reactionary shot
Stir horror, or do robots fear renounce
Performing task without feeble minds, so fraught

Live long enough, with bots probing human thought
And mournfully we will say, it’s a shame a human you are not
But neither are you robot
Performing tasks with feeble minds, so fraught

Ross Kilpatrick ’23 is a staff writer

Grace Davenport ’21 is a staff artist