It was the beginning of yet another end. It didn’t like this; for one, being an it. There was a scream that resounded through the bubbling bog as it recalled, violently, its true life as a sprawl us and them and I…Continue Reading The Great Peat Bog Body Bonanza of Who Knows When and Who Knows How
Tag: '24
Statement of Matthew Ingersoll, Regarding Earthworms
I’ve always hated earthworms, you know. Repulsive slimy wriggly little monsters. I know they’re supposed to help turn over the old soil redistribute the nutrients from all the rotting things, but I can’t see them like that…Continue Reading Statement of Matthew Ingersoll, Regarding Earthworms
Toe Rotten

I am just a body— / A body with words inscribed, / With meanings taped over my mouth, / And phrases to my thighs….Continue Reading Toe Rotten