Sitting in the Snow “There’s one more thing you better understand. I have taught myself to sew, cook, fix plumbing, build furniture – I can even pat myself on the back when necessary – all so I don’t have to ask anyone for anything….Continue Reading Sitting in the Snow
Tag: ’18
For my dog, upon her seventh birthday She does not run as fast as she once did. Still, her legs swing like furry pendulums, Tiny chest seeming to graze the ground as She sprints after a wayward tennis ball. The sound of knocking at the door used to Make her leap down from…Continue Reading Misty
Violence and Control
In the wake of the terrible shooting that took place in Florida a few weeks ago, I’d like to talk briefly about the difference between violence and control—there is no difference. Violence is control. Control is violence. Guns are violence, just as are hateful words. Telling someone they’re not good enough is violence, as is…Continue Reading Violence and Control
Accommodations and Accessibility
Content warning: institutional violence The following is a pastiche of content from The Amherst Student, exchanges over Facebook message, academic works, and thoughts. All quoted material appears in italics. This year, ResLife is trying out a program called Early Room Selection. The goal of the system is to create “an ethical and transparent process…Continue Reading Accommodations and Accessibility
Why Students Should Care About Amherst’s Climate Action Plan
“Unless people are engaged in the struggle–unless they themselves have gone through the process of creating change through collective and individual acts of solidarity, reciprocity, and cooperation–they will not internalize democratic, egalitarian and ecological values or be convinced of their necessity.”[1] – Fred Magdoff & Chris Williams It’s already been too long. In February of…Continue Reading Why Students Should Care About Amherst’s Climate Action Plan
Lip Sync and Masculinity
Every Spring at Amherst College, students enter room draw, which means they are sorted into a random ranking system, determining the order in which they get to choose their housing for the following year….Continue Reading Lip Sync and Masculinity
International Students Face Job Uncertainties
As spring semester approaches, many Amherst students are hoping to land a summer internship or post-graduation job. While the job application process for all students is immensely stressful, international students are among the specific groups of students burdened with extra considerations for the future. In a time when immigration has focalized within political discussion, it’s…Continue Reading International Students Face Job Uncertainties
Interviews with Turkish Classmates
Idil Özdemir, Class of 2019 On the government’s use of religion during the coup: “When the coup happened, I was actually far away from Istanbul and Ankara, where you could feel the jets and the bombing. But what I learned that was particularly dystopic about the whole night of the coup was the nonstop prayers…Continue Reading Interviews with Turkish Classmates
A View From the Turkish Coup

For most people, both within Turkey and outside, the military coup attempt on the night of July 15th was the last thing anybody expected….Continue Reading A View From the Turkish Coup
Facebook Activism: Beyond the Like

During the summer, a recent Amherst graduate shared an article on Facebook about the black rights movement. As usual, I read the accompanying quote, skimmed the article, and tossed the post a like….Continue Reading Facebook Activism: Beyond the Like
so gather up the dust that dwells below bed, the real stuff of dreams;…Continue Reading Day-breaks
I found ideas of madness at your door
He howled against the stupidity of paper walls. Letters never swelled with lips or chest, Like a mind wholly mind, perching Its gooey wings; but still its shit Hit hard ground, hardly a ground That was mine to understand, Although inhuman, always of the world….Continue Reading I found ideas of madness at your door
A Jog Down Main Street

Though I’d like to say I’m creative when it comes to where I jog, this isn’t the case. Wherever I run, I stick to a few favorite paths. I have three in my hometown, one at my grandparents’ in Philadelphia, and four in Amherst. Known to most runners are the Norwottuck Rail Trail, the Emily…Continue Reading A Jog Down Main Street
Let’s Get Married
We sat on the couch in front of the TV, in our Friday night spots. Lazy six’o’clock pink leaked in through white condo slits. Beautiful, but at the wrong angle—blinding….Continue Reading Let’s Get Married

Before I was old enough to know the word “introvert”, along with its societal implications, I was its embodiment. …Continue Reading Introversion
Non-Profit and Government Trek 2016

Finding our way in a chaotic post-undergraduate world “Do you need any help?” I ask the group leaders in front of me. We’re at a busy intersection, waiting for the crosswalk to turn white. It’s a welcome reprieve from all the walking we’ve been doing the past few days. Our days on the trek are…Continue Reading Non-Profit and Government Trek 2016
In Defense of Frost First Floor

While I was waiting to fill up my water bottle on the first floor of Frost at the Brita station that is always mysteriously and troublingly slow, I began to look at the Frost comment cards posted to the bulletin board. Most of the comments addressed how wonderful the library and its staff are, yet…Continue Reading In Defense of Frost First Floor
The Life of Pablo

The legend of Kanye West is as well substantiated as it is disseminated: in the barren post-gangsta era of the early 2000s, Kanye revitalized the genre by introducing soul-infused production and quality lyricism defined by bold juxtaposition of genuine introspection with tremendous braggadocio. Kanye continued to rip holes in the fabric of Hip-Hop for the…Continue Reading The Life of Pablo

During my freshman year, I wrote an article for the Indicator about cultural assimilation. I discussed coming to terms with being half Mexican-American and half white. With a topic so large, I didn’t necessarily come to a conclusion. The piece was more of a reflection on identity. I expressed the need/desire for second and third generation…Continue Reading In-Betweeners
(Very) Short Stories

Rich Words His grandmother sends him a book called The Thinker’s Thesaurus. The book is in its expanded third edition. It promises to provide sophisticated alternatives to common words. On the back cover, a white male linguist praises it: “This magisterial reference work is clear and authoritative. It will help you preserve the highest layers…Continue Reading (Very) Short Stories
Coming Out

Sitting in the Snow “There’s one more thing you better understand. I have taught myself to sew, cook, fix plumbing, build furniture – I can even pat myself on the back when necessary – all so I don’t have to ask anyone for anything. There’s nothing I need from anyone except for love and respect. And…Continue Reading Coming Out
Bye Bye Socials
The future of Amherst social life looms before us– a nebulous, half-formed vision, at best. The pending demolition of the Socials stirs mixed emotions in the community. And the most we can do is speculate about what lies ahead. I would describe my relationship with the Socials as “ambivalent”. I don’t invest too much hope in my…Continue Reading Bye Bye Socials