“Unless people are engaged in the struggle–unless they themselves have gone through the process of creating change through collective and individual acts of solidarity, reciprocity, and cooperation–they will not internalize democratic, egalitarian and ecological values or be convinced of their necessity.”[1] – Fred Magdoff & Chris Williams It’s already been too long. In February of…Continue Reading Why Students Should Care About Amherst’s Climate Action Plan
Tag: ’20
We Are (More Than) The Mammoths
“We are the Mammoths!” has been the main headline on the Amherst homepage this week, leaving many elated, some horrified, others indifferent, and yet most are just relieved that the college finally has a tangible mascot to rally around (and I am among them). To the majority of those in the Amherst community, this year-long…Continue Reading We Are (More Than) The Mammoths
Houses of the Future: Balancing Luxury and Utility

To many, the idea of home automation belongs to the realm of science fiction. Nevertheless, this technology is appearing all around us. “Home automation” refers to the use of one or more computers to control basic home functions and features. These technologies have the capability to revolutionize the way in which we function in our…Continue Reading Houses of the Future: Balancing Luxury and Utility
A Letter to Spacetime

Dear spacetime, I was going to write separate letters to space and to time but someone told me that your addresses were the same. I have never written to you. You don’t really know me. My role in your grand existence is that I cause little distortions. Very tiny distortions. In the spacetime where I…Continue Reading A Letter to Spacetime
Look where I am, Ma A sunset soul wandering Transplanted, like a heart This isn’t anything like home, Ma…Continue Reading Look
Droughts: the Elephant in the Room

About twelve miles from the Amherst campus lies the Quabbin reservoir, where outdoor enthusiasts go fishing, canoeing and hiking. However, this merry recreation cloaks the reservoir’s checkered history. Quabbin was dug in 1938 as a water supply to meet the rising demands of Boston. Its construction submerged the four towns of Dana, Enfield, Greenwich, and Prescott….Continue Reading Droughts: the Elephant in the Room
Shades of Yellow

Nobody wants to talk about Asians. As neither the majority nor the true minority, we lie somewhere in limbo, as model minorities—a minority viewed as more successful than average in society. Statistically, we thrive economically in comparison to other racial groups and are overrepresented in professional-managerial work in the United States. As a result, our struggles…Continue Reading Shades of Yellow
Clash of the Coasts

In the weeks leading up to my move from California to Massachusetts, my parents continuously asked if I was at all nervous. And every time I simply thought, why would I be? I’m just going to school on another coast with students from all over the place? I thought I wouldn’t be in for any…Continue Reading Clash of the Coasts